Online GEO+ Program Highlights
- Learn “ASTA Market Radar” to Identify Market Structure & Opportunities
- Plan your Trade & Execute based on the Market Structure
- Advance Setups & Concepts
- Individual Assessments on Analytical & Execution skills
- Focused training on Indices, Currency & Commodities
- Special attention to Trading Psychology and Trade Execution
- Live Market Training
- Trade Log Analysis & Support from Senior Mentees during this course
- SMM, PAPA, FOME & GUE of forthcoming online GEO batch as a Bonus
- Whatsapp Group with a dedicated Leader
- Buddy system
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Individual Assesment
Analytical | Execution |
Reaching your Financial Milestones Faster with
How GEO+ Program helps

- Bring Decisiveness in trading with advanced tools in your arsenel
- Reduce your drawdowns
- Empower yourself to capture bigger moves for bigger returns
- Ride on our experience to reduce your experimentation efforts
- Get the essential push to bring out your peak performance